

Loving People, Serving Jesus Christ

Men’s Bible Study

Sharpen your mind and build relationships with other men on Saturday mornings from 8-9 am. Our men meet at Gene Wagner’s home (2707 NW 104th St., Vancouver). Please note the speed limit on the private road is 5 mph. Bring your Bible as we start our day with Him. We study and discuss a topic or one book of the Bible in its historical context alongside present-day application.

Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Ministry; for women, by women. Our goal is to grow deeper in an understanding of God’s Word in the company of other women. Meeting the needs of women in our church and in our community. Covering topics like; contentment, personal worth, and prayer as we fellowship.

We are now meeting online and in person! You can catch our study every Monday on Facebook or MeWe at 10 am. And if you chose to do so, you can then meet in person on Thursday morning at Annette Newton’s home (15711 NE 6th Circle, Vancouver) at 10 am to discuss the lesson together.

Homework and information on the Thursday study can be found on the W2W Facebook page or at the info table on Sunday. Please feel free to contact Marie Kuppens at with any questions

Children’s Ministry

Our Freedom Kid Zone during Sunday Service provides a safe and fun place to learn about Jesus. Our zones begin with babies and accommodate kids up through Middle School-age. We have teachers that are trained to help children with special needs as well. Please call (360) 975-9356 to discuss any special accommodations.

Sunday Evening Bible Study

All are welcome to join us for a new Bible Study group. We will be meeting on Sundays from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. For exact dates and locations, please contact Brian Andersen at

Opportunities to Serve

There are opportunities to serve the Lord at Freedom Community Church. You can volunteer in the Sunday Service, such as helping in set-up, hospitality, greeter, driver, usher, sound and other areas.

COVID 19 has not stopped us from serving. Since the Santiam fires destroyed over 1500 homes, we’ve been sending a team every two weeks to clean up the damage and help families get a new start.

We have a mobile response unit that deploys with first responders, such as firefighters, search and rescue, and national disaster crews to give support on longer events. With the response unit we can feed and hydrate first responders and give support when they’re deployed. For information on serving opportunities, call 360.975.9356.

There are also opportunities for training and serving in trauma intervention. See “Chaplaincy Training.”

We believe in missions. As the Lord leads, we will send a team and serve in various capacities.

Chaplaincy Training

We run a trauma intervention training school to help others deal with trauma or aid people in need. Responders Resource Center offers 22 Chaplaincy Training courses and 3 courses from the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (CISM Training), taught by certified instructor Rob Lloyd. For more information or to register for a class, call 360.356.3791 or go to

Praise & Pray Needs

We are a church of prayer and would be honored to pray for you. We would also love to hear about your praise reports. Send requests to:

Sermon Notes Available

Pastor Rob’s Sermon Notes are available to you upon request. They are sent out via email on Sunday mornings for you to follow along by printing them out or used directly on your electronic devices. The notes can be a tool anytime to help you dig deeper into the scriptures. Sign up by sending an email requesting the notes to:

Suggestions & Comments

We would love to hear from you. To make that easier for you, we have added a comment/suggestion box to the Information Center in the Lobby on Sunday mornings. If you would like to receive a personal response, please also include your contact info with your comment.